Das Schmelzwasser des eiszeitlichen Aaregletschers frass die 1400 m lange Aareschlucht durch das Kalkgestein eines Felsriegels. Der Ausbau der Schlucht begann 1888. Die schmalste Stelle in der "Kleinen Enge" ist nur einen Meter breit.
The Aare Canyon is 1.400 m long and was formed by the melting water of the Aare Glacier which cut their way through a limestone barrier during the last ice-age. In 1888 the Canyon was made accessible to the public and shows some spectacular views especially at a part called 'Kleine Enge' where the rock walls are just about one meter apart.
Grosse Enge: the walls are just a few meters apart.
Die Kleine Enge ist die schmalste Stelle der Schlucht.
Kleine Enge is the narrowest part of the gorge.